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Compassionate Body Listening

A unique approach to healing based on polyvagal theory to create regulation in your nervous system using your own inner wisdom in order to heal

Find out more...

In order to help you on your path to create nervous system regulation and healing for yourself, I provide you with...

12 module course

➡ Experience deep compassion and presence with yourself, bringing about relief from symptoms and creating nervous system regulation in order to gently and gradually heal your nervous system dysregulation and PEM. Learn how it feels to accept and surrender to what is now and to listen to and act on the guidance of your body’s wisdom, so that you can unlock the path to deep peace and healing inside of you


➡ Explore your inner landscape to learn where you are resisting and contracting against your symptoms, as well as where you can hold yourself in love. Learn to allow all that is and activate your heart to hold all that you are. As you build trust with yourself that you can hold what you experience, you can develop a deep sense of safety. 


➡ Implement daily body listening, self-care, joy and pleasure routines based on your body’s guidance and wisdom and gain clarity on how to expand your activities safely, maintaining nervous system calm.


➡ Learn how to regenerate your body from a state of contraction, dorsal vagal shutdown, into a state of regulation and expansion, self compassion and health.


➡ By discovering your body’s deep wisdom to guide you back to regulation and health, learn to trust your own inner authority about what will guide you to regulation and heal your dysregulation and PEM, so that you gradually learn to embody your health and pleasure deep within your bones and take the necessary steps to get to your life of thriving. 


➡ Through this new relationship of trust towards your body and increased experiences of regulation, nourish your nervous system regularly, increase your sense of hope and support your healing journey and move towards health, pleasure and joy.


I draw on years of inner work and coaching, my own healing as well as a trained practitioner of therapeutic tools and processes to support you to rewire your nervous system from fatigue, pain and shutdown, to inner expansion, relief, power, energy, joy and pleasure.

What you will receive:


➡ 12 Compassionate Body Listening transformation 90 minute Group sessions on Zoom over 12 months where we will cover a theme from my learning syllabus (currently being updated) to support your recovery, hold space and offer practices for your deep healing and transformation. You will get some individual support as well as benefit from other people’s processes and the group process. (Maximum of 10 people).


Starting on Wed Dec 20th 2023, 8pm CET UK time.


➡ Community and support with a group of people working on retraining their nervous system and deep companionship fostered on the journey, WhatsApp group to stay connected in between sessions, where I will also answer any questions arising.


➡ 1:1 integration support on WhatsApp for one week following our workshops.


Reading list:


Anchored: how to befriend your nervous system using polyvagal theory, by Deb Dana


The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook: A Proven Way to Accept Yourself, Build Inner Strength, and Thrive, by Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer


Already enough, by Lisa Olivera


Further reading:


Self-Therapy: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Wholeness Using IFS, A Cutting-Edge Psychotherapy, by Jay Early


What people say about working with Roxanna and Compassionate Body Listening:


“I've done a lot of yoga, read a lot of spiritual texts and had lots of mentors and so forth, and tried to look inwards to connect to my body, but haven't been able to do that successfully. This has given me the tools to connect to every organ and cell to find out how it is. We can communicate with each other now. It's been a huge epiphany unlocking that power.


Doing little bits, over four months since we've been working together, a couple of weeks ago I had a huge shift. The incremental approach really adds up. One day I just woke up and the chronic fatigue had lifted and it's just been getting better every day. So more spaces in between the fatigue and more spaces in between the dysregulation. I think it's amazing. I'm really surprised that four months ago I thought I'd probably end up dying and being in a wheelchair I felt so chronically ill. Just to be feeling a level of normal and that improving exponentially is crazy really. It's pretty much the opposite to what the doctor said.” -Sharn, Australia


“When I first came to Roxy I’d been helplessly battling with long-covid for around 8 months and with chronic fatigue, on-and-off, for my whole life. My expectations were low. Nothing I’d tried prior to this point had made much difference and I’m a cynical guy - how exactly would a compassionate approach prove to be effective?


I’d mostly lived life in an oppositional stance towards my body and my brain. To see someone who’d been in a similar boat and had used these techniques was inspiring. Add to that Roxy’s passion, patience, and seemingly infinite kindness, and I gradually came around to the idea of what she was proposing - that I could learn to love this wonderful vessel I inhabit, understand it better, and be more responsive to its needs.

What with being a slow learner, and with this a stubborn disorder to overcome, it took a few months of progressively allowing myself to delve further into compassionate body listening. Roxy’s encouragement was vital to this. Whenever I struggled or my mind led me down some dark paths it was such a blessing to have the encouragement of Roxy behind me. Knowing the tools for healing is one thing but having someone to help teach and guide you is invaluable.


It’s quite simple for me: the more I work with these techniques, the better I feel. My capacity for daily living has increased exponentially and I’m no longer burdened with the persistent and overwhelming fatigue that has characterised most of my adult life. To be able to live with a greater degree of comfort, responding to my body’s needs, caring for myself in ways I’d never imagined, has been infinitely rewarding. And the journey of practising these routines and learning about my body continues every day.” - Matt, UK


The programme will last in total for 12 sessions, split over the course of either 12 weeks or 12 months. There will be a 90 min workshop for each session, followed by 1 week of integration, with 1:1 coaching on WhatsApp.


To study with me monthly over 12 months, the membership is 157 euros. The 12 week course can be paid for upfront for 1760 Euros or  is also the option to pay monthly for 587 Euros.


There is one scholarship place at 50% reduction per intake of a lower fee available for anyone in genuine financial need, email me about this if this is you. Please only ask for this if you are deeply committed to this work and paying for this programme of support as it stands would affect your capacity to pay for food and shelter, if this is truly you, I wouldn’t want finances to stand in the way of you being able to join.



Roxanna Rawson

Compassionate Body Listening Coach


  • Creator of the Compassionate Body Listening Method™

  • EFT Master Practitioner 

  • Certified in Geo Love Energy Healing

  • Life coach in training, nervous system education in training

  • 10 years experience self mastery and meditation

  • Helped clients successfully retrain their nervous system dysregulation from long covid and CFS and regain their functionality and health

  • Diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in 2011, bed bound for 8 years. Healed my own CFS nervous system dysregulation through my signature methodology and regained my energy. Continue to maintain my energy and health using this method.

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